
1. fat adj.胖的 n.脂肪

This homemaker is overweight.

Yogurt is typically known for its low fat content.

2. woman n.女人



3. thin adj.瘦的





4.tall adj.高的

Joe is of the same height as him.

5.short adj.矮的;短的

The boy is not very tall.这个男孩不是很高。

Is your hair long? 你的头发是长的吗?

shortcut n. 快捷方式
shortage n. 不足,短缺

A shortcut is a quicker or more efficient way to reach a destination or achieve a goal. It allows you to save time and effort by avoiding unnecessary steps or detours. For example, taking a shortcut through a park can help you reach your destination faster than following the main road. Similarly, using keyboard shortcuts can make computer tasks more efficient.

On the other hand, a shortage refers to a lack or insufficiency of something. It means that there is not enough of a particular item or resource to meet the demand or needs. For instance, a shortage of food can lead to hunger and malnutrition in a community. Similarly, a shortage of skilled workers can hinder the growth of an industry.

In summary, a shortcut is a method to save time and effort, while a shortage refers to a lack or insufficiency of something. Both concepts are related to efficiency and resource management.

shortbread n.一种酥松的奶油薄饼,通常由黄油、糖和面粉制成。它的口感酥脆,味道浓郁,是一种受欢迎的传统糕点。这种薄饼在英国和苏格兰特别受欢迎,常常作为下午茶的伴食。它的制作过程相对简单,但需要耐心和技巧。首先将黄油和糖混合在一起,然后逐渐加入面粉,直到形成一个均匀的面团。接下来,将面团压平并切割成所需的形状,然后放入预热的烤箱中烘烤。烘烤时间通常为20-25分钟,直到饼干变得金黄色。烤好后,将饼干取出并放在冷却架上冷却。最后,可以根据个人口味添加一些装饰,如巧克力碎片或果酱。无论是作为休闲零食还是节日礼物,shortbread都是一种美味可口的选择。

shorthand is a method of writing that allows for quick and efficient note-taking. It is commonly used in journalism and during meetings or lectures to capture important information in a concise manner. Shorthand involves using symbols, abbreviations, and shortcuts to represent words and phrases, enabling the writer to keep up with fast-paced speech or events. This technique is particularly useful for professionals who need to transcribe interviews, record court proceedings, or take accurate meeting minutes. By mastering shorthand, individuals can significantly increase their productivity and accuracy in capturing and documenting information.

finalist n.(工作的)决选名单

A shortlist refers to a list of candidates who have been selected for the final round of a job selection process. It is a compilation of individuals who have successfully passed the initial screening and are now being considered for the position. The shortlist typically consists of a limited number of candidates who possess the necessary qualifications and skills required for the job. These individuals are often referred to as finalists, as they have reached the final stage of the selection process. From the shortlist, the employer will then choose the most suitable candidate for the job.

brief adj. 短暂的,简短的

The short-lived relationship ended abruptly.

The brief relationship ended suddenly.

6.dirty adj.脏的 v.弄脏

soil n.土壤 grime n.污垢 debris n.碎片 clay n.黏土

contaminated water 受污染的水 polluted air 受污染的空气

7. tidy adj.整洁的 v.整理整洁

Tidy adj. describes something that is neat and well-organized, while v. tidy means to organize and put things in order.


Original: She always keeps her room clean and tidy.
Revised: She always keeps her room neat and well-organized.

This shirt is spotless. 这件衬衣一尘不染。

I tidy up my room on a daily basis. 我每天整理我的房间。


clean v.清洁,整理(干净)

clean v.清洁,整理(干净)是指通过清洗、擦拭或整理等方式使物品或环境变得干净整洁的行为。这个动词可以用于描述清洗衣物、打扫房间、清洁厨房或卫生间等各种清洁活动。清洁不仅可以去除污垢和杂物,还可以提高卫生水平,创造一个舒适、健康的生活环境。无论是家庭、办公室还是公共场所,定期进行清洁是保持卫生和健康的重要一环。因此,我们应该养成良好的清洁习惯,定期清洁和整理我们的物品和环境,以保持干净整洁的状态。


clean water 干净的水

remove v.移除,清除

Remove refers to the act of taking away or eliminating something, such as waste or obstacles. It involves getting rid of unwanted items or substances in order to create a clean and unobstructed space.



clear water 清澈的水

8. hot adj.温暖的;辣的;最新的






hot line 热线电话 hot news热点新闻

hot line 热线电话是指一种特定的电话服务,它提供24小时不间断的服务,以便人们能够随时随地与相关机构或组织进行联系和咨询。这种电话服务通常用于紧急情况、客户服务、投诉处理等方面。热线电话的目的是为了提供快速、方便和高效的沟通渠道,以满足人们的需求和解决问题。

hot news 热点新闻是指当前社会上引起广泛关注和讨论的新闻事件。这些新闻通常涉及到重要的政治、经济、社会或文化议题,对公众有着重大的影响。热点新闻往往具有时效性和争议性,能够引起人们的兴趣和关注。媒体通常会对热点新闻进行深入报道和分析,以便公众能够了解事件的背景、原因和影响。热点新闻的报道有助于公众形成自己的观点和判断,促进社会的进步和发展。

hot spring 温泉

9. cold adj.冷的

empty solace 无效的安慰






cold shoulder 冷遇

cold war 冷战

10. old adj.老的;旧的

senior years 晚年 senior woman 老太太 experienced person 老手

classic story 传世佳话 experienced person 经验丰富的人

11. young adj.年轻的

young pioneer 少先队员

12. busy adj.忙的

She has a lot on her plate.

free的反义词是 busy(忙碌的,繁忙的)

as active as an ant 像蚂蚁一样活跃

be occupied with sth.=be engaged in sth.忙于(做)某事

eg:He is busy doing homework.

He is occupied with his school assignments.

13. lazy adj.懒的

Mike is a boy who lacks motivation. 麦克是一个缺乏动力的男孩。

relaxing afternoon 令人放松的下午

lazy day 闲散的一天

14. whose pron. indicates possession or ownership (used to ask about belonging)

Whose book is this? Can you tell me who it belongs to?

who pron. 谁

Who is that girl? 那个女孩是谁?

15. blue adj.蓝色的

aristocratic lineage 贵族血统 manual laborer 蓝领

blueprint 蓝图 blues 蓝调音乐(布鲁斯音乐




16. perhaps adv.大概



1. perhaps:表示一种推测或猜测,常用于表示某种可能性,但不确定性较高。它通常用于句子的开头或中间位置。

例句:Perhaps it will rain tomorrow.(也许明天会下雨。)

2. maybe:也表示一种推测或猜测,但相对于perhaps来说,maybe的不确定性稍低。它通常用于句子的中间位置。

例句:I'll maybe go to the party tonight.(我也许今晚会去参加派对。)

3. possibly:表示一种可能性,但相对于perhaps和maybe来说,possibly的不确定性更低,更强调可能性的真实性。它通常用于句子的中间或结尾位置。

例句:She could possibly be the winner of the competition.(她有可能是比赛的获胜者。)



Maybe I'm still in a dream. 可能我还在一个梦中。


Perhaps she will arrive in the afternoon.


There's no way that could be correct.

17. white adj.白色的

milk coffee 奶咖啡 surrender flag(投降用的)投降旗

platinum 白金 the Presidential Residence 总统府

white lie 善意的谎言

18. catch v.抓住,赶上

They apprehended the criminal. 他们逮捕了罪犯。

We would like to make it in time for the first train.

catch up with 赶上

catch fire 着火

catch one’s eye 吸引眼球

come down with a cold=have a cold 患上感冒




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