
China Shouldn’t Encourage Personal Automobiles

Directions: For this part, you’re allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled “China Shouldn’t Encourage Personal Automobiles”. You should write at least 120 words, and your composition should be based on the following information:

Owning a car is what most Chinese are longing for. However, once the dream should come true, what would the cars bring about to us?



China Shouldn’t Encourage Personal Automobiles

In China, an increasing number of people, with money bulging① out of their pockets, have switched their expenditure to② the purchase of automobiles. To their mind, owning a car means not only convenience but, more important, a symbol of status. However, were the tendency not to be checked③, it would give rise to many problems.

To begin with, a spurt in automobiles would have energy and space bearing the brunt④ of attacks. In other words, serious shortage of energy and shrinkage of space would be the product of automobiles. So in the future not far from now, parks, sidewalks, alleys⑤, everything would go to the automobile. If it is true that the above consequences are inevitable to the objective world, another impact⑥ posed by automobiles will involve in the interpersonal communication as well as people’s physical conditions, for, due to the space crammed with automobiles, people would find no room to walk, to jog, to perform what they used to do in the open air. Moreover, dirt, noise exhaust, parked cars and smog would make the urban outdoors unpleasant to live in.

Yet there is no inherent⑦ incompatibility⑧ between man in an urban setting and the automobiles. It is all the matter of personal choices and behaviors. Our national conditions don’t allow too many personal cars to run in the land. Nor do we want cars to seize our living space. We take it for granted that everyone could enjoy the pleasure of stretching his legs freely, breathing and sniffing the air cheerfully, “taking in” the people, “taking in” the city.



②switch … to …:把…(从…)转移到 …

③were the tendency not to be checked:此部分采用了倒装句式,还原后为:if the tendency were not to be checked

④bear the brunt of:首当其中;成为…的主要对象








作者开门见山,首先指出当今中国的一个普遍现象——人们越来越富有,越来越多的人开始购买私车,因为这既带来方便,又体现身份。接着作者用However将笔锋一转,指出这种现象将带来many problems。作者在第二段,为了证明自己的观点,用了一个较长的段落阐述私家车的发展将会带来的问题:能源紧缺,空间变小,环境污染,等等。在第三段,作者进一步强调指出:人与车天生就是敌人,永远无法协调。因此,为了让人类有一个舒适的生存空间,就应限制发展私人汽车。







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